Friday 29 February 2008

Shrink PDFs with ColorSync Utility

Launch ColorSync Utility from your OSX Utilities folder. At the top, hit Filters ... and Reduce File Size ... and then View file with filter and go and look for your pdf file. Mine was 772k file for a small 45mm sticker art!

You can also click Duplicate and work on a copy.

Click the Details button and then ... Images and scale away. 50% got my pdf down to 444k. Yeah, yeah, I know it can be done in Acrobat or whatever and what with broadband and huge drives it is a bit of a pointless exercise but it is amazing what is tucked away in OSX.

1 comment:

Groupdmt said...

Su sitio de blogs de es realmente impresionante! Usted ha hecho mucho trabajo excelente! Espero que su éxito
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